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4 Ноя

Linux Format magazine includes article on OpenShotLinux Starter Kit includes article on OpenShot
The newest issues of Linux Format magazine and Linux Starter Kit magazine both feature stories on OpenShot! They are available at US and UK newsstands, including Barnes and Noble and Borders bookstores.

Linux Format includes OpenShot on their list of applications that make up the "ultimate desktop toolkit".

Linux Starter Kit has an article titled ...

15 Окт

According to the Ubuntu & Debian Popularity Contest Project, I discovered an interesting statistic. According the data collected, OpenShot has the highest percentage of users, when compared to the number of installations. In other words, people who install OpenShot are more likely to actually use OpenShot, than people who install other open-source video editors.

Simple ...

5 Окт

As you might have noticed, OpenShot has a brand new website! I have spent the past few weeks putting the finishing touches on it, and integrating it with this blog. I am very happy with the finished product, and I believe it does a better job of promoting and educating people about OpenShot!

Please spend ...

27 Сен

How would you like to export your videos in the new WebM format designed for HTML5? What is WebM you ask? Well, according to the WebM project website, they define the format as...

"The WebM project is dedicated to developing a high-quality, open video format for the web that is freely available to everyone."
The ...

27 Сен

Are you a Windows developer? More specifically, are you a C / C++ developer with a love for video editing?

We are issuing a challenge to find a willing developer to help make the MLT framework compile and work under Windows. If you accept this challenge, please contact me ASAP and join the OpenShot Developers LaunchPad ...

24 Сен

Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) has approved our freeze exception request, and will be including OpenShot 1.2.2 (the newest release) when it launches on October 10, 2010.

If you have the beta of Maverick, you can find version 1.2.2 already in ...

21 Сен

I am proud to announce the immediate availability of OpenShot version 1.2.2! We have been hard at work on this version since April 2010. While a 5 month long release cycle was not really what I had planned on, I'm happy to see this version finally get released!

Round of Applause
Before ...

12 Сен

First of all, a big thanks to everyone who has helped translate the next version of OpenShot! We have completely translated 8 languages, and dozens of other languages are very close. To view the full list of languages, visit the LaunchPad Translations page.

We have updated the help manual for version 1.2.0 of ...

7 Сен

Here is a quick update for all the anxious OpenShot users out there. Version 1.2 is shaping up nicely, with a ton of fixes, enhancements, and new features. This new version is easier to use, more feature packed, faster, and more stable than ever before.

We have completed 42 tickets on LaunchPad so far ...

11 Июл

As everyone knows, OpenShot has a new 3D animated title system. However, what you might not know, is exactly how Blender is being used to create these animations. I thought I would explain what goes into creating a new Blender title sequence.

But first, take a look at the newest Blender template I added today ...